Public conference

Title: "The Rosetta mission" with a foreword by Christophe Sotin, JPL Caltech, Université de Nantes
Speaker: Jean-Pierre Birbring, Université Paris-Sud-Orsay
Date: Tuesday, 29 September 2015, 20:30
Location: Auditorium 800

The Rosetta mission, with its Philae lander, is deciphering key clues to the processes that drove the solar system early evolution. A survey of its major findings will be provided, and their outcome discussed in the framework of the solar system space exploration.

Public walk

Make a walking lecture in Nantes. Talk the talk AND walk the walk.

Interested in talking about your work outside the event center? Le Labo des savoirs (The Knowledge lab), an association of young students and PhD students, invites you to discover the city of Nantes with a "Planet Walk" by putting our solar system at city's scale. With a Sun of two meters per diameter you will find all the eight planets in the streets, represented on traffic signs. See the map for the exact locations.

We are looking for planetary scientists to give a small talk beside the planet of their choice. Have you worked on Mars? Maybe you would like to talk about it through a short promenade? After meeting the volunteering members of Le Labo des savoirs plus a group of bystanders in front of La Cité des congrès, you will head to the planet of your choice, strolling along the streets while conversing about your science work.

The final schedule of these outside conferences will be set in mid-September.